Saturday, November 21, 2009

Headway in the Wasteland

So I figured I would give some heads up as to where my characters are at. Yarp, I said plural. I now have three characters I am keeping track of.

After I finished my motorcycle, I realized that if I were to continue vehicle crafting and crafting in general... I would be limited near cap with what I could craft. Since I wasn't maxing out INT/PER. So I rolled a crafter. And with that, I also needed to  get another character in the mix who was out on the scavenge, and hitting all the spots I had bookmarked. So I created a third character. This third dude, hasn;t killed a living thing yet, and is only a salvager. Using him for his vault space and vehicle space makes it easier to stockpile items I am needing for vehicle components.

So, as it stands right now I have the following:

Steel Toe: lvl-17 390ap - Melee
Happy Hour: lvl-9 - Int/Per
Reach: lvl-5 Dumpsterdiver

Here is an updated progress map. Yellow is in progress for Steel. Green is completed for Steel - in progress for Happy. Blue is completed for Happy. Reach is forgotten, he seems to like to play in garbage rather than do errands for townsfolk.

Other than that, Here is some screens I have taken in my travels. More to come for sure, as i seem to be addicted to the hide-ui/kodakmoment.

Nice shot of Embry Crossroads from the north.

Steel enjoying a nice nap as some of his Motorcycle parts craft themselves

OPEC eat your heart out...

Google Maps what? East Coast maybe?

Not mine, yours?


I'm a doctor, not a pool man!!

Yeah, I am totally blown away at the detail, and attention to detail for the small things. Having a blast in the dustbowl that was known as the Grand Canyon. Wish you were here!

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