All day today in game, I have been working on crafting, running all over southern Sector 1, and doing as many of each towns quests that I can. I started at level 11 this morning, and when the servers went off tonight (a.m. lol), I was still level 11, but made a ton of progress.
Got turned onto another cool podcast via the guys at Lifenet, Through the Aftermath. A generalized podcast about everything post apocalypse. Just listened to two casts, and love their discussions. Totally going to make me pickup and read "The Postman" book now. THANKS LIFENET!
Figured before I worked on some personal stuff, and then actually sleep, I would do a update of sorts. This is some snips of some pretty funny shit in game I have come across. That, and some pretty stupid player verbage also.
3 years in WoW will make you very jaded with stupid people. That and will make it so easy for me to facepalm, wtf, retard D10 roll check. I usually 99% of the time keep my mouth shut when idiots spread ignorance in a game chat channel, or any medium that allows them a soapbox. I just quietly do the above and they remind me of:
I am not an elitist, just someone quietly putting up with your spreading of stupid in games for a long time. Here is where I spread my opinion, quietly too. So without further banter from my hands, here is some snips:
The more you eat, the more you fart!
HAH! I used to chant this as a kid when my mother informed me we were having my least favorite side dish for dinner.
Developers seem to have a funny bone. lol, nice one!
Anyone ever play WoW in Wrath might have done that "oh noes the tadpoles" quest. I remember this quest, not because I did it 5 times since release, but because one of my female guildies used to say this all the time after the first time she did the quest. I like Icarus's touch on the ingredients. lol
Another mutation skill is about to be nixed. Teleport/Stun/Moltov/stabstabstab lol.
I didn't get the screen cap of her(?) questioning the reason for downtime prior to this. Oh Lolly, ignorance is such a bliss huh?
In a galaxy far, far away, Yoda is crying Brutallus.
Granted, some of these might make me look mean spirited, so be it. I just think they are kinda funny and /palm worthy. Now onto two shots I thought were post worthy. The first is some pretty nice detail work and the second is one of a new type of NPC I encountered today. Shiva's Favored. I can't wait to get deep in the lore on these guys.
Now, I had an uncle who used to have a passion about model railroading. And something he said to me when I was a kid has stuck with me, and has helped me in my design creativity throughout my life. He was working on his HO scale railroad, and he would let me quasi play with things a lil while I visited. I would drive the cars very carefully on what little amount of roads he had created on his train layout. I asked him one day, "uncle, how come you don;t make the roads hug the side of your layout, so you can see traffic?" He replied with a very thought provoking response. He told me that in order to give the appearance of an environment, you had to make someone believe it was there before they saw it. Hence the road he created going off into a direction that brought it to the edge of the layout, implying that it went somewhere beyond. He told me about how he liked to use that mindset when being creative. To add illusion and depth to a limited space. He also said that when making a tunnel, you have to give the illusion that the people making the road or laying the track could not have saved money by going around a hill, and that a tunnel was the only option. When I happened upon this very nicely done tunnel south of South Burb, this popped into my mind immediately. Look at my direction facing on the minimap, and how the mountain with the tunnel just seems to pop up in the landscape. :) These Post Apocalyptical road pavers just needed a tunnel huh? hehe.
And last but not least, two snaps that hopefully might give ya some insight into actually how LARGE and OPEN this game is. The first one is me looking into the distance and seeing the Radar Dish that is located just outside the city of Embry. The second picture shows that same Radar Dish, from inside Embry. Fricken HUGE distances in this game.
Well, I just got to the end of listening to #8 of the Lifenet podcast again. Lots of good info in there. See you all in the desert, and here later.
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